Basic elements of the control panel

  1. Top bar
  2. Main menu

Once you logged in with your administrator account, at the top of the Control Panel you can find the following header bar:

The header bar consists of the following elements:

  1. Institutional logo: The Control Panel can be customized for each Educational Institution.
  2. Logo and color palette customization is done through the Configuration module.
  3. Language selector: The Control Panel is multi-language. Change the language using the language selector at any time.
  4. User profile: The username of the current session is always visible in the upper right corner.
    • Log out: To log out of your account, click on your name and select the "Log out" option.

The main menu is located on the left side of the Control Panel and contains different modules that can be managed:

Each menu option represents a module, each one is described below:

- Dashboard: Main module that shows a summary of the general activity of the platform (active users, demand for tutoring and more).  

- Categories: Module to manage the categories or areas that group the subjects. 

- Subjects: Module to manage the subjects or courses. It's divided in:

  • Individual: Manage the subjects of individual type (only one student).
  • Group: Management of group-type subjects (more than one student). 

- Places: Module to manage the places available to provide in-person tutoring.

- Majors: Module to manage the majors available in the Educational Institution.

- News: Module to manage the news panel on the dashboard of the platform.

- Users: Module to manage users. There are two types of users:

  •  Students: Students of the institution who can request tutoring. 
  • Advisors: Tutors of the institution that can give tutoring lessons.

 - Tutoring Lessons: Module to manage the tutoring lessons. It's divided in:

  • Individual: Individual tutoring (only one student).
  • Group: Group type tutoring (more than one student).

 - Statistics: Module to consult the analysis and interpretation of the information generated in the platform. 

- Promotion: Module that offers graphic and pre-designed material ready to be used in order to facilitate the promotion and spreading of Linc in Educational Institutions.  

- Settings: Module to manage the settings and customization of the platform according to the needs of each Educational Institution.

 The next step is to learn how to manage the different control panel modules.  

We will start with the categories or departments module.

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