Tutors module
The module that manages the tutors registered in the platform. The tutors are those users who can impart the tutoring lessons.
Tutors also have the possibility to schedule tutoring, through their student profile, with other tutors.
The module consists of the following elements:
- "Active" Tutors: Those tutors who have access to the platform.
- To modify their status it is only necessary to edit the tutor and select the desired status.
- "Inactive" Tutors: These tutors have restricted access to the platform, that is, their account is disabled.
- Add: Button to register a new tutor.
- Search: A search engine that allows searches by name to filter tutors.
- Last activity: The most recent date on which the tutor entered the platform.
- Registration date: Date on which the tutor registered on the platform.
- Edit: Modify or update the information of an existing tutor.
- Delete: Permanently eliminate the tutor. This action can not be undone.
Assign tutor permissions to students
Any existing student can be a tutor, or vice versa, without the need to create a new account.
To assign tutor permissions to a student follow these steps:
Step 1. Go to the student module and identify the student you want to make a tutor.
Step 2. Identify the "Options" column and click on the button to modify the student.
Step 3. Within the "General Information" tab:
- Activate the "Tutor Permissions" option.
- Save the changes by clicking on the "Save Changes" button.
Once the changes have been saved, the student will immediately become a tutor and will no longer be visible in the student module. From now on you can manage them in the tutor module.
The next step is to learn how to manage the weekly availability of the tutors.